CONSCIOUS DANCE FESTIVAL was born from the desire to use movement as a way of reaching into the very centre of our being. It’s an opportunity to get to know and to experience different movement practices that help you to get into your body an from there, to open up towards a more conscious life. Conscious dance is medicine. For over seven years, we printed a quarterly glossy color publication that reached over 100people in hundreds of international locations. Weg bei bei dem du dich mit dem Atem, deinem Körper und dem Im-Moment-Sein verbindest.
Praxis bei der du lernen kannst mit dir selbst, Anderen, der Gemeinschaft und mit deiner Spiritualität in Beziehung zu treten.
Im freien Tanz bringst du deine Glaubenssätze in Bewegung, nimmst sie bewusst wahr, spürst sie in deinem Körper und löst sie mit Hilfe von Lösungssätzen und Clearings auf. The work is informed by the principles of conscious evolution and an understanding of personal and collective trauma. Du bist eingeladen, mit der Aufmerksamkeit bei dir zu bleiben. Emotionen in Bewegung Bleib in Bewegung, tanze alle Emotionen, die auftauchen, auch die unangenehmen.
Our Azul conscious dance retreats are designed to explore individual topics that provide a foundation for the work of personal evolution. OneDanceTribe is an international community of dancers interested in exploring various conscious movement modalities and transformational workshops and is offered twice a year. At Presence Studio, we practice all three of these states–the ecstatic dance , mindfulness practice, and shamanic trance–in order to bring the resulting learning into cellular knowledge in the present moment. It may hold a particular intention, such as working through emotions, finding a state of meditation, or expressing oneself authentically and creatively.
This wholing of body, mind.
Film by Emma Goude, Green Land. Dezember angeleitet von Claudia Shankari ANMELDUNG. Stunden vorher bis Freitag, 14. Redl, gestorben am 3. Liebe und Dankbarkeit. Non pretende di essere onnicomprensivo di ogni forma di movimento, ma delle sole pratiche che hanno una scuola di formazione e una.
Zertifiziert als Dancing Mindfulness Facilitator sowie Ecstatic Dance Facilitator, Tanzpädagogin. Die Open Floor Bewegungspraxis ist eine lebendige, ganzkörperliche und ganzheitliche Tanz-Forschungsreise: Wie können wir uns bewe. Diversity A full palette of different approaches and discover the diverse flavours of conscious dance.
It is a portal to a unified field where teachers and. Regelmäßige Übungsabende 5Rhythms Sweat Your Prayers mit Oliver Common. ZERO ONE fundamentals Workshop mit.
Experience intentional conscious dance for authentic creative expression. If you are one of them or are curious to discover why conscious dance is a growing movement, then this gathering is for you. Helping you to fall in love with life again. The online home of the Ashland conscious dance community.
Welcome VIEW SCHEDULE. Our mission is to provide a safe, clear atmosphere in which dancers can move freely and authentically. We invite listening inwar tending to our emotions, desires and needs.
Soul Motion is a conscious dance practice that views creativity as an inherent expression for every body. Nurturing and developing the awakening of stillness in.
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