You can also insert a non - breaking hyphen by following these steps: Choose Symbol from the Insert menu. Word displays the Insert Symbol dialog box. Click on the Special Characters tab. The Special Characters tab of the Symbol dialog box. Highlight the Nonbreaking Hyphen character.
Der geschützte Bindestrich oder auch nicht umbrechende Bindestrich wird verwendet, um einen automatischen Zeilenumbruch nach einem Trennstrich zu unterbinden, beispielsweise bei „i‑Punkt“ oder „Fugen‑s“. Weitere Hinweise zur Verwendung im Web finden sich im Artikel Webtypografie. Non-breaking hyphen synonyms, Non-breaking hyphen pronunciation, Non-breaking hyphen translation, English dictionary definition of Non-breaking hyphen.
A hyphen is used primarily to join two or more words to form a new, compound word or to provide clarity when using certain affixes. Non-Breaking Hyphen ” on various operating systems. Also nonbreaking hyphen , non-breaking hyphen , or no-break hyphen.
A non-breaking hyphen is exactly what the name suggests. It allows you to type a hyphenated word without the word breaking at the hyphen. It’s very similar to a non-breaking space.
The reason why the result may differ from a normal hyphen is that many fonts do not contain the non-breaking hyphen. This forces browsers to use a different font, and while the non-breaking hyphen looks the same as normal hyphen in that font, there is no guarantee that it matches a normal hyphen from a different font. Englisch-Deutsch für non breaking hyphen im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen!
Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Because a hyphen unites multiple things into a single element, we do not put spaces on either side of it (except in one specific circumstance known as a hanging hyphen, which we’ll discuss later on). Non - breaking hyphens can come in helpful for some types of writing.
They force the words (or characters) on both sides of the hyphen to stay on the same line. There are two ways to add such hyphens to your document, as described in this tip. When placed in front of a wor that word will not be hyphenated. How to insert a non-breaking hyphen.
Go to the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click on the. This is helpful not only in text, but also in headlines that you don’t want breaking onto two lines. Insert a non-breaking hyphen instead of a normal hyphen to prevent your word from being broken across different lines. If the font in which this web site is displayed does not contain the symbol and there is no fallback font able to render it, you can use the image below to get an idea of what it should look like. Word automatically wraps words over multiple lines when there is no room.
Enter the Non-breaking Hyphen character through the keyboard. How do you insert a non-breaking hyphen ? Inserting Non-breaking Spaces, Hyphens and Soft Hyphens Dấu cách không ngắt. To prevent two words from being separated at the end of a line, hold down the Command key Ctrl key and the Shift key when you type a space between the words. Looking for Non-breaking hyphen ? Find out information about Non-breaking hyphen.

You can use Ctrl-Shift- Hyphen in Word to insert a non-breaking hyphen , but this shortcut does not work in PowerPoint. Hi,Ive got a site where I need to use a non-breaking hyphen quite a lot. Ive been using ampersand hash semi-colon but Ive discovered that whilst Firefox displays this as non-breaking , Explorer doesnt.
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