Storing statistical data, do I need. Some of them are integers, text, varchar and most importantly, date and time and date-time manipulation. Hallo zusammen, ich habe heute eine Abfrage versucht und war etwas erschrocken, was da auf mich zugekommen ist. Folgendes ist passiert: Ein Datenbankfeld mit dem Typ Float ist in der Datenbank, in welchem Preise. For space considerations, am I better off using double, float , or decimal (2)?

I found the documentation, but want to make sure I understand it. Decimal vs Double vs Float. Precision is the main difference where float is a single precision (bit) floating point data type, double is a double precision (bit) floating point data type and decimal is a 128-bit floating point data type.
DECIMAL fiel it was storing it as 4. NOT use float because it will not store your values accurately. I know the mysql result after querying, produce the correct result. So I am thinking of changing decimal to float.
I can build the function to tell the value difference from null or But is it okay to use. I created test tables with column, one was decimal ( 2), one float , and one double. I inserted the same 1values into each table.
I was surprised they were the same, the documentation I read lead me to believe the decimal would take bytes, but apparantly.